AFT Blog

Welcome to the Applied Flow Technology Blog where you will find the latest news and training on how to use AFT Fathom, AFT Arrow, AFT Impulse, AFT xStream and other AFT software products.

Quick Inspection of Pipe and Junction Properties

The inspection feature saves time by displaying the properties of a Workspace object in a read-only fashion. To inspect an object, position the mouse pointer on the object and hold down the right mouse button.

  2247 Hits

Building Large Models - The Building Block Approach

Very large and complex models may be constructed by building smaller models and merging them together. It is a good idea to break the large system into logical parts where there are known boundary conditions (flowrates or pressures).

  2212 Hits

Eliminating 'Negative' Flows

Flow direction arrows are for reference only, the actual direction being determined by the analysis and, if the direction is opposite the reference direction you've specified, values for flow, velocity and pressure drop will be negative. If you don't want negative values, simply select the pipe, press F3 to toggle the direction arrow and rerun your model. While this is fine for one or a few pipes, what if you have many pipes with negative flow values? Within the Workspace, open Select Special (on the Edit menu or by pressing F6). For 'Selection Type', select 'Pipe Output Properties', then 'Volumetric Flow...

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My 50th Anniversary Visit to the Site of John Glenn’s First American Flight Into Space

Many of you probably saw in the news that today, Monday, February 20th, is the 50th anniversary of John Glenn’s flight into space. The flight was aboard a Mercury-Atlas rocket dubbed Friendship 7. This historic event was a significant step on the way to the Apollo missions to the moon.

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