AFT Blog

Welcome to the Applied Flow Technology Blog where you will find the latest news and training on how to use AFT Fathom, AFT Arrow, AFT Impulse, AFT xStream and other AFT software products.

Should Engineers Always Perform Waterhammer Analysis of New Pipe Systems? Part 2

Two years ago this month I wrote this blog article: "Should Engineers Always Perform Waterhammer Analysis of New Pipe Systems?". This was a popular blog. It was written from the fluid dynamic engineer's perspective.

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When Pipe Flow Modeling Is Not Enough

Within the world of pumping system specialists there is a wide range of areas of domain expertise. I was reminded of this earlier this month while attending the AFT Calgary User Group meeting sponsored by AFT's Canadian channel partner. One of the invited speakers, Jordan Grose of Beta Machinery, used several areas of domain expertise to solve a waterhammer problem in the field. I will discuss more about Mr. Grose's presentation later in this article.

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Who Cares About the Surge in "Funny" Fluids?

Well, it turns out lots of people. My first experience with "funny fluids" was in graduate school. One of my fluids professors had recently completed his doctoral thesis on funny fluids also known as non-Newtonian fluids. I got to see some of his graduate students do some crazy experiments with polymer additives to otherwise boring Newtonian fluids.

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Coming Soon To a Computer Screen Near You: AFT Impulse 5 - Act Now To Get New Features at Old Prices

We are excited about all the new features coming in our AFT Impulse 5 waterhammer and surge modeling software. We plan to release this much anticipated new version before the end of the year.

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Rockets are Pumping Systems Too - The Aerospace Heritage of AFT

Many of our customers find it interesting that the foundational code developers at AFT are former rocket engineers. Jeff Olsen and I wrote the bulk of AFT Fathom™, AFT Arrow™, and AFT Impulse™ from 1993-2003. Jeff is currently AFT's Vice President of Technology. We both hold B.S. and M.S. degrees in Mechanical Engineering.

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Should Engineers Always Perform Waterhammer Analysis of New Pipe Systems?

The question of whether waterhammer analysis on new pipe systems is optional or required does not have a definite answer. In some cases it is clear - such as when the pipe system is being designed in compliance with ASME code (see How AFT Impulse Can Help Engineers Comply With ASME Codes). But in many cases it is up to experience and judgment whether or not to perform waterhammer analysis.

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What do NASA, DuPont, GDF Suez and the University of Arkansas know about AFT software that you may not? Watch it here!


Introducing Applied Flow Technology

AFT Intro Video

Fluid transportation is an integral part of today's society. AFT software products have emerged as world leaders in helping engineers move fluids more safely and efficiently. There are countless examples of this. We have chosen four such stories to help engineers understand how our products can help them solve problems and improve their engineering designs and operations. We developed a video to tell this story. Watch it here!

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