AFT Blog

Welcome to the Applied Flow Technology Blog where you will find the latest news and training on how to use AFT Fathom, AFT Arrow, AFT Impulse, AFT xStream and other AFT software products.

Getting there is graph the fun! - Multi-Scenario Pump vs. System Curves

Pump vs. system curves provide an intuitive, graphic way to understand how a pump interacts with a piping system. These can be useful during pump sizing, but can also be informative when your pump must function in a variety of operating conditions. Understanding how changes to your pump or system affect your operating point can be invalua...

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  4132 Hits

Fathom 11 New Features at a Glance

  Recently AFT announced our new release of Fathom 11. With our new release we have been working hard to create a more robust and faster version of Fathom. Along with improved performance we have added several new tools that have been requested by customers. Here is a quick summary of the top 5 new features that you can look forward to in Fath...

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  4339 Hits

Where to Start with Pump Startups

Any time a rapid transient occurs in a piping system, there is a chance for unexpected surge to impact the system. Though system shutdowns account for many surge events, pump startups can cause water hammer as well. For this blog I am going to cover the basics of setting up pump and valve transients for the startup case in AFT Impulse 7, as well as...

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  4678 Hits

Know Your Pump & System Curves – Part 2A

Many users enjoyed my previous blog, "Know Your Pump & System Curves – Part 1" and greatly anticipated the release of Part 2. I'm going to split Part 2 into two separate blogs: Part 2A Brief discussion on why system curves matterPump & System Curves for multi-branched piping systems§How you can have different system curves for the...

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  11952 Hits

Making Sense of xT – Valve Loss in Compressible Flow

Almost every piping system has valves, and an accurate solution requires accurate valve losses. For incompressible systems, this is relatively straightforward. What happens when we introduce the complexities of compressible flow?  

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Size Up Your Options Using the ANS module

When working on a new piping system, there are many factors that must be taken into account: meeting customer demands, following industry standards, and maintaining effective system operation to name just a few. As a busy engineer, it is important to address all of these concerns in the short time frame available to you. AFT's new Automated Network...

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  2918 Hits

Looking to relieve pressure? Let's talk about Relief Valves in AFT Impulse.

In any complex piping system, one of the most serious scenarios considered during a safety or HAZOP study is over-pressurization. If the pressure in the system reaches a high enough pressure, rupture can occur, leading to expensive repairs, significant system downtime, and even loss of life. In most cases, proper use of relief valves can mitigate o...

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  6393 Hits
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