AFT Blog

Welcome to the Applied Flow Technology Blog where you will find the latest news and training on how to use AFT Fathom, AFT Arrow, AFT Impulse, AFT xStream and other AFT software products.

Don’t Repeat Yourself with Libraries

As process engineers, we rarely review our own engineering process for improvement opportunities. Our job descriptions can often boil down to: "design this", "build that", and "make it better". While we can do this very well for pumps, pipelines, and flanges, sometimes we miss the intangibles such as how to improve our team's internal processes or ...

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  798 Hits

Restore Your Sanity, and Your Corrupted Model Files

Users occasionally contact AFT saying they have lost their model files or cannot open them. Can you imagine spending hours, days, or months building models, and all of a sudden, the progress and work is gone?! If it happens right before a deadline, the engineer will most likely have a minor panic attack, and feelings of anger, depression, or hopele...

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  2195 Hits

Calculate Pressure Drop Across Sharp-Edged Perforated Plates

Sometimes design engineers will install a screen to protect equipment like centrifugal pumps. Screens are available in a variety of configurations, each with its own head loss characteristics. AFT Fathom provides a screen junction that allows users to choose from four different screen types: Perforated Plate (Sharp-Edged)Perforated Plate (Round-Edged)Circular WireSilk Thread Screen This article primarily discusses thin-walled, sharp-edged perforated plates with uniform diameter holes. Every screen has an open flow area that allows the working fluid to bypass the screen while restricting any foreign objects that are not able to pass through this area. The open flow area is typically comprised...

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  45835 Hits

Learn about the Acceleration Head and How to Model It

Ensuring your pump has sufficient net positive suction head available (NPSHA) is essential to reliable pump performance. For positive displacement pumps, this includes accounting for acceleration head, which will reduce a pump's NPSHA. What is acceleration head? Acceleration head is the energy required to change the velocity of the liquid in the sy...

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  2043 Hits

The Opposite of Good Vibrations - Evaluating FIV, AIV, FIP Guidelines from AFT Fathom and AFT Arrow

Flow Vibration Analysis Spreadsheet

Learn how to use AFT Fathom and AFT Arrow to help calculate the Likelihood of Failure (LOF) for Flow Induced Vibration (FIV), Acoustic Induced Vibration (AIV), and Flow Induced Pulsation (FIP) in accordance with Energy Institute Guidelines to avoid vibration induced fatigue failure. Introduction to Vibration Induced Fatigue and Failure  Repeat...

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  3544 Hits

Reference Pressure Needed: Where It Comes from and How to Address it

Many AFT users have come across the message that a reference pressure is needed when attempting to run a model but do not often know how to handle it. Why is it showing up? What can they do to fix the issue? Before going too far, it is important to understand the problem is a limitation of physics and math, not of AFT software. We will wo...

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  3027 Hits

The Truth About Air Compressors

Air compressors, they are a machine that everyone has interacted with in their life time. Whether it is in the garage, at the gas station, or in a manufacturing environment compressed air is everywhere. Compressed air is one of the most widely used utilities out there, but also one of the most expensive utilities out there. The key to is to make su...

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  1907 Hits
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