AFT Blog

Welcome to the Applied Flow Technology Blog where you will find the latest news and training on how to use AFT Fathom, AFT Arrow, AFT Impulse, AFT xStream and other AFT software products.

Size Up Your Options Using the ANS module

When working on a new piping system, there are many factors that must be taken into account: meeting customer demands, following industry standards, and maintaining effective system operation to name just a few. As a busy engineer, it is important to address all of these concerns in the short time frame available to you. AFT's new Automated Network...

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Two for One: How Dependent Design Cases Help Automatically Size Networks to Satisfy Multiple Operating Scenarios

With the release of the Automated Network Sizing (ANS) module for AFT Fathom and  AFT Arrow, network sizing has never been easier. The ANS module utilizes Intelliflow, a technology previously featured in AFT Mercury and Titan, to evaluate slight design deviations to automatically size pipes, valves, and pumps for a system as a whole.  In ...

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Applying the Improved ATKF Method for Laminar and Non-Newtonian Flow

If you have worked with Non-Newtonian fluids or low velocity systems in AFT Fathom or AFT Impulse before, then it is likely that you have worked with the Adjusted Turbulent K Factor (ATKF) method before. The ATKF method can be used to adjust K factor data developed for turbulent flow conditions to better predict loss in the laminar f...

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When a Lowly Engineering Student Ends Up Working With One of His Exalted Professors

Gary Vanderplaats was one of my (exalted) professors in 1985 when I was a (lowly) Senior engineering student at UCSB. If not for Gary, there would be no GSC modules for AFT Fathom or AFT Arrow, and no new AFT Fathom ANS module either. Why? First, back in 1985 UCSB had a required course for ME students in Design Optimization. It was probably one of ...

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Turning Negative Experiences Into New Directions

Twenty-five years ago I did something I thought I would never do. My job at the time had become pretty bumpy and I was not happy. With hard work and good luck, I turned that negative experience into a new direction for me personally and professionally. That new direction involved starting a whole new company. On September 14, 1993. So, I have been ...

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  1984 Hits

Not a Leak! Modeling Multi-stage Pumps with Discharge Flow Between Stages

 AFT Fathom has long included the ability to model multi-stage pumps by representing them with an overall effective pump curve. New in AFT Fathom 10 is the ability to model "Interstage Bleed" or "Takeoff Flow" in these multi-stage pumps.

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AFT Fathom District Heating Application

In district heating projects, hot water is the most commonly used heating medium. In order to ensure the user's heat load requirements, it is necessary to analyze and calculate the flow balance of the entire district heating system to ensure that different cases can meet the requirements of end users. 

AFT Fathom is practical fluid dynamic simulation software used to calculate pressure drop and flow distribution in liquid piping and ducting systems. I think AFT Fathom is a great choice for district heating projects.

The district heating network model of this project is bigger, and it includes the long supply line and return line, several booster pump stations, about 50 end users(exchangers), many control valves. This project has been running for 2 years, but some end user cannot get enough heat, so the owner hope us to get the reason. 
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