AFT Blog

Welcome to the Applied Flow Technology Blog where you will find the latest news and training on how to use AFT Fathom, AFT Arrow, AFT Impulse, AFT xStream and other AFT software products.

Get More Flexible With Your Fluids

Here at AFT we are always looking for more ways to bring more convenience and accuracy to our model files. One of the ways we are doing this is with NIST REFPROP, the new fluids database that we have incorporated into AFT Fathom 10 and is coming soon in AFT Arrow 7 and AFT Impulse 7. Unlike Chempak, REFPROP is included at no additional cost to users. In this blog I will highlight a few reasons why you may want to take advantage of this database.

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  4723 Hits

Iso love the new Pipe Drawing Mode!

Have you ever wanted to show the three-dimensional nature of your piping system in AFT applications? Maybe you are building a model from an isometric reference drawing. Or maybe you are incorporating your model into a report and want to represent the x, y, AND z axes.

Whatever the reason may be, the great news is that AFT Fathom 10 includes a new Isometric Pipe Drawing Mode!

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  9413 Hits

Paint a Clear Picture Faster Than Ever with AFT's New Excel Export Manager

AFT Applications have long had several options for the export of output data. Data can be directly copied and pasted into other Window's applications, and entire sections of the output can be exported to preformatted, delimited, or Excel formats. However, these options can be inflexible or require significant overhead. AFT Fathom 10 is introducing ...

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  5388 Hits

We Have Some Really Kewl New Stuff For You in AFT Fathom 10!

We at AFT work hard. Why?

We put a lot of thought into our software features. Why?

We try hard to listen to what you, our customers, tell us you want. Why?

The answer to all three questions is the same... 

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  4345 Hits

How a Russian Hydraulics Handbook Gained the Respect of the American Nuclear Industry

We are all shaped by our experiences as engineers. Our early experiences as young engineers are especially influential. 

I first worked in the aerospace industry for five years and then the nuclear industry for two years. At each of these companies we relied heavily on a handbook written originally in Russian by a Russian engineer. I am talking about the Handbook of Hydraulic Resistance by I.E. Idelchik. This book is my "go to" book on any unusual pipe system configuration hydraulic calculations and, especially, with calculations at tees and wyes.

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  7883 Hits

Planning for Success by Predicting Failure – Maximizing Reliability During Pump Selection

What comes to mind when you hear the expression “planning for failure”? For some, it carries the negative connotation that failure is the direct result of a design – intentionally or otherwise. Benjamin Franklin said; “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail!” and I believe he would agree that any good plan addresses potential failures. In fact, not "planning for failure" as an element of a system is essentially failing to plan and therefore inviting unexpected and unmitigated failures. Life Cycle Cost One of the many reasons to avoid failure when possible is to reduce cost. When a...

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  4637 Hits

Reaching Equilibrium: System Energy Balance in AFT Fathom and AFT Arrow

AFT Fathom and AFT Arrow both have the powerful ability to model heat transfer in pipes and heat exchangers, allowing you to represent these critical features of temperature-sensitive systems in your hydraulic model. However, without being able to see the affect heat transfer has on an entire system these features would be of limited usefulness. One of the most powerful aspects of AFT’s implementation of heat transfer is that energy is balanced across the entire system. For example, you can observe changes in pump or control valve operation when adding heat transfer to a remote part of a system. Looking at...

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  5985 Hits
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