AFT Blog

Welcome to the Applied Flow Technology Blog where you will find the latest news and training on how to use AFT Fathom, AFT Arrow, AFT Impulse, AFT xStream and other AFT software products.

Multi-scenario graphing and animation in AFT Impulse

Really? Another blog about features in AFT software? Yes, really. And there is a good reason for it. Because this new feature in AFT Impulse 8 will change your life. Well, it may not change your life, but it will forever change how you do your waterhammer analysis. I am talking about the new multi-scenario graphing and animation feature. This brand...

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  2099 Hits

Applying Communication Time: Let’s Talk About Your Impulse Result/Event Relationships

 I have received questions from clients using AFT Impulse where they ask something like "I closed this valve. Why is the maximum pressure spike way over there and not at the valve?" This comes from years of developing a "common sense" adapted to steady-state flow. With steady flow, a change between states of equilibrium has a local effect that...

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  2285 Hits

Who Cares About the Surge in "Funny" Fluids?

Well, it turns out lots of people. My first experience with "funny fluids" was in graduate school. One of my fluids professors had recently completed his doctoral thesis on funny fluids also known as non-Newtonian fluids. I got to see some of his graduate students do some crazy experiments with polymer additives to otherwise boring Newtonian fluids.

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  5889 Hits

Coming Soon To a Computer Screen Near You: AFT Impulse 5 - Act Now To Get New Features at Old Prices

We are excited about all the new features coming in our AFT Impulse 5 waterhammer and surge modeling software. We plan to release this much anticipated new version before the end of the year.

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  5406 Hits

Why You Should Care About AFT's New User Groups

Do you ever wonder who the people are behind AFT? Do you wonder what our plans are for the future of our software products? Do you ever wish you could talk directly to AFT staff and communicate new features you would like to see? Do you ever wonder who else uses our products in the geographic region around you?

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  3794 Hits
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