AFT Blog

Welcome to the Applied Flow Technology Blog where you will find the latest news and training on how to use AFT Fathom, AFT Arrow, AFT Impulse, AFT xStream and other AFT software products.

Thankful for the Opportunity to Shape a Changing World

Wherever I go I see change. China is undergoing massive change in a relatively short period of time which has impacted Western nations both positively and negatively – as well as the rest of the world. China’s growth in manufacturing is impacting Australia in a huge way and driving much of the Australian economy through accessing its abundant natural resources.

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AFT Around the World

In early October, I conducted a 5-day training seminar in Lima, Peru. There were seven different companies represented from Peru and Chile. It is always interesting to see the variety of applications for AFT software and Peru was no exception where many of the engineers are involved in mining operations. Peru is a leading producer of copper, gold, silver, phosphate and potash with over $16 billion in exports in 2009. The engineers at the seminar had a variety of active project responsibilities. These ranged from long transport pipelines, to storage and transfer systems, to refining and process facilities. The course emphasized...

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