AFT Blog

Welcome to the Applied Flow Technology Blog where you will find the latest news and training on how to use AFT Fathom, AFT Arrow, AFT Impulse, AFT xStream and other AFT software products.

AFT Fathom 12 New Features are Here

 New versions of AFT Fathom, AFT Arrow, and AFT Impulse are being released in the upcoming months. This round of releases focuses on major interface changes which will improve user efficiency. Check out these new features and improvements that will be in Fathom 12, Arrow 9 and Impulse 9. Analysis Setup To make the modelling process simple...

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  2828 Hits

Calling All Waterhammer Experts – We Need You On This New Committee!

As you know, AFT is a developer of a world leading waterhammer simulation tool in AFT Impulse. We regularly get asked for waterhammer guidance by engineers tasked with building piping systems. While there are some excellent waterhammer resources available, there is not much decision-making content from non-commercial authoritative organizations. Th...

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  1581 Hits

Mass Modify your Model with Global Edit

Let's face it, specifying every pipe size, length, elevation, pump curve and component loss in a hydraulic model can be tedious. While essential to fully defining a system, often there is avoidable redundancy during model specification. The Global Edit feature helps to ease this tedium and redundant specification by mass updating overlapping parame...

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  2631 Hits

Eagles: NFL Football Team, National Emblem or Wind Turbine Foe?

Last Friday I saw a bald eagle. Up close. The closest I have ever been to an eagle in the wild. Just off the highway sitting on a fencepost. We also saw a lot of wind turbines. And, yes, wind turbines are the foes of eagles. Which is a sad by-product of wind power technology. More on that later. Tonight the 2021 NFL football season starts. And, yes...

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  850 Hits

Quick Guide to Custom Output

You've built a model, verified all of the inputs, and now you have results, but how are you going to organize and present these results? Here is a quick guide to some of the customization available in AFT software for displaying output and exporting your data using the Output, Visual Report, and Graph Results windows. The screenshots and examples f...

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  3901 Hits

The Fluid Mechanics of an African Safari

Last week I got back after three weeks in East Africa – my first international travel since the COVID-19 pandemic started. I had some out-of-the-ordinary encounters with fluid flow. So, I decided this month to depart from my usual tech-centric format and have some fun. Here are some brief topics I will discuss and a few photos I took… Open Channel ...

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  1232 Hits

Get the Most Out of AFT's Fluid Property Viewers

Veteran AFT software users are familiar with heritage products like AFT SteamCalc and AFT Chempak Viewer. Some have wondered where these products went. Although licenses to these products are no longer sold, these viewers are now integrated into the main applications for each of AFT's main products: AFT Fathom, AFT Arrow, AFT Impulse, and AFT ...

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