AFT Blog

Welcome to the Applied Flow Technology Blog where you will find the latest news and training on how to use AFT Fathom, AFT Arrow, AFT Impulse, AFT xStream and other AFT software products.

Space – Fiction and Reality Both Equally Entertain

I am a child of the Space Age. When I was a young boy we had one color television. On one day I was watching the original Star Trek TV series with my father (through reruns), then the next day watching the Apollo missions take men to the Moon. The fiction and reality of space travel were intermixed in my young mind of around 1970. Fast forward to t...

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  1318 Hits

Five Fantastic New Features for Fast Fluid Transients: Impulse 8

At the time of writing, AFT Impulse 8 is right around the corner. We are proud to boast of new capabilities to give you an even better user experience with transient analysis. AFT Impulse 8 showcases new features never seen before, and ones only hinted at with the releases of AFT Fathom 11 and AFT Arrow 8. Here, we have laid out the top 5 new featu...

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  2321 Hits

Multi-scenario graphing and animation in AFT Impulse

Really? Another blog about features in AFT software? Yes, really. And there is a good reason for it. Because this new feature in AFT Impulse 8 will change your life. Well, it may not change your life, but it will forever change how you do your waterhammer analysis. I am talking about the new multi-scenario graphing and animation feature. This brand...

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  2099 Hits

What is the ANS Module Asking For? Introduction to the Sizing window in the ANS Add-on Module

Many of you are aware that AFT released the ANS module for AFT Fathom and AFT Arrow last year to help engineers minimize the cost of their system and maximize reliability. You can check out this blog I wrote last year for a quick recap on the capabilities of ANS. Let's talk a bit more about what information you need to use the ANS module by introdu...

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  2299 Hits

Analyzing Transients Faster - a Hacker's Guide to Pipe Sectioning

Over the past few months, I've gotten to help Impulse users from around the world with their models. One of the most common problems I run into while helping them is runtime. A good rule of thumb I try to use is that most Impulse models should take less than 10 minutes to run, and none should take more than a half hour to run. Longer runtimes mean ...

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  3289 Hits

Predicting the Future is Easy

Every year countless people make predictions on a countless number of things. For example, every year there are people who predict a financial crisis of some kind. There are people who predict significant natural disasters. And there are people who predict a health crisis – such as the current COVID-19 pandemic. When one of these unusual events act...

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  1380 Hits

New Feature Highlight - Scenario Comparison Tool

With new versions of Fathom, Arrow, and Impulse being released, we've been taking time to highlight some of the new features that have been added in. Recently, we've looked at multi-scenario pump vs. system curves, along with more general overview of our new features. In this blog, we'll look at one of my favorites, the new Scenario Comparison tool...

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  2559 Hits
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