AFT Blog

Welcome to the Applied Flow Technology Blog where you will find the latest news and training on how to use AFT Fathom, AFT Arrow, AFT Impulse, AFT xStream and other AFT software products.

Burst Pipe at World Cup Stadium Showers Media With Pervasiveness of Fluid Systems

During the 2010 World Cup I happened to be touring Spain and Italy with my family. I was in Spain for a week during the early rounds before anyone had any idea that Spain would emerge as the eventual winner. I watched one of the games at a Spanish family's house (who were personal friends in Barcelona) while we were visiting for dinner. By the time I got to Italy the Italian team was on the verge of elimination and the locals I talked to were quite deflated about that development. 

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AFT Expands Flow Services With New Flow Expert Package

AFT's team of engineering software developers, technical support engineers and trainers are engaged on a daily basis with our customers all around the world to help them successfully apply our software products. That, in addition to industry experience before joining AFT, means we have a lot of experience in fluid transfer system engineering. Now our fluid transfer system experience is available to you through the new AFT Flow Expert Package™. With the Flow Expert Package you will be assigned a dedicated fluid systems expert also experienced in AFT software to help you and your team solve issues with your fluid systems...

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The First Visual Software for Windows Released 20 Years Ago This Month

Applied Flow Technology has been an innovator and industry leader since its founding in 1994. AFT Fathom™ was the first of its kind – a graphical, drag-and-drop platform for modeling pipe system hydraulics.

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Estimating Pump Inertia, Specific Speed, and Four Quadrant Data within AFT Impulse 5

An excellent new feature of AFT Impulse 5 is that it is possible to estimate the pump inertia, specific speed, and four quadrant data sets directly within AFT Impulse 5!  No more need to perform external spreadsheet calculations for these estimates. In addition to that, AFT Impulse 5 can use the entered pump and power/efficiency curve to perform these estimates which makes things much easier and efficient!! First step is to enter pump curve data and generate the curve fits as shown in Figure 1. Figure 1:  Pump Performance Curve from Entered Data   Next, click on the "Transient" tab of...

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  17355 Hits

Benefits of the Discrete Gas Cavity Model

AFT Impulse 5 now includes a second cavitation model option: The Discrete Gas cavity Model (DGCM). So, what is it and how is it different from the existing cavitation model? This article will provide a very high level overview. The method of characteristics (the finite difference basis for 1D transient flow modeling) assumes a constant wave speed for each pipe, from time step to time step. There are, however, many things that would cause a change in wave speed; cavitation being one the most significant. A change in wave speed will have a dramatic effect on the pressure spike that occurs...

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Changing Output Language in AFT Products

AFT Applications have the ability to display the output in different languages. We supply files for French and Spanish with our installation which should be used. Other language files can be created using the language.dat file template. To select a new language select Output Language from the Tool menu and then select the language you would like to use. Once a new language is selected the Output Control will reflect the output parameters in that language. When the model is run and the results will be displayed in the Output tab in the selected language. The Graph Results and Visual Report...

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The Quest For Controlling Energy Costs

One of my favorite lines from the movie Apollo 13 was when an engineer exclaimed, “Power is everything!”. Nothing happens without power. Power, the rate at which energy is used, underlies everything in modern society.

Trends in energy economics are impacting industries and entire nations. Some recent articles about European chemical production and refining illustrate this.

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