AFT Blog

Welcome to the Applied Flow Technology Blog where you will find the latest news and training on how to use AFT Fathom, AFT Arrow, AFT Impulse, AFT xStream and other AFT software products.

Rockets are Pumping Systems Too - The Aerospace Heritage of AFT

Many of our customers find it interesting that the foundational code developers at AFT are former rocket engineers. Jeff Olsen and I wrote the bulk of AFT Fathom™, AFT Arrow™, and AFT Impulse™ from 1993-2003. Jeff is currently AFT's Vice President of Technology. We both hold B.S. and M.S. degrees in Mechanical Engineering.

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New & Improved Laminar & Non-Newtonian Flow Calculations with AFT Fathom 8

AFT Fathom 8 has a new and improved method for predicting system pressures that involve laminar flow or non-Newtonian fluids.  The Adjusted Turbulent K Factor (ATKF) method is used to apply corrections to pipes and components involving these special flows.  The ATKF method can be enabled on the System Data tab in the System Properties window. Clicking on the question mark next to the ATKF method will access the AFT Fathom 8 Help Content that discusses the ATKF method in detail. In September 2012, Applied Flow Technology and DuPont published a technical article for the International Pump Users Symposium that discusses...

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AFT Efforts To Improve Global Presence and Service

Many of you work for organizations located outside the USA or with a presence outside the USA. Getting timely answers to your sales and support questions wherever you are located is important in order for you to support your projects and operations.

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Modeling a submerged pump in AFT Impulse

In AFT Impulse you can directly model a submerged pump. First, you will define your pump data exactly as you would normally, however you will only draw the discharge piping and not a suction piping. After doing this, you will check the box “Submerged Pump” at the bottom of the Pump Specifications Window. You now have an additional required input field. The “Suction Pressure” can be entered as a Head (HGL) or a Pressure. When entered as a Head (HGL) value, this value is the actual liquid elevation in the supply reservoir. When entered as a pressure, this is the actual...

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Why You Should Care About AFT's New User Groups

Do you ever wonder who the people are behind AFT? Do you wonder what our plans are for the future of our software products? Do you ever wish you could talk directly to AFT staff and communicate new features you would like to see? Do you ever wonder who else uses our products in the geographic region around you?

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Default Model Input

The ability to specify default input parameters is a feature that is common to all AFT software products. Diameter, Friction Model, and Design Factors can be specified by default for pipes. Input properties for Junctions are specific to each junction type, so the only common default property is elevation. The default input options are found in “Parameter and Unit Preferences”. In general, this feature makes model building faster and more efficient. The user should, however, be aware of how this affects the “Status” of pipes and junctions. The “Status”, to which I am referring, is the green light to run the...

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Should Engineers Always Perform Waterhammer Analysis of New Pipe Systems?

The question of whether waterhammer analysis on new pipe systems is optional or required does not have a definite answer. In some cases it is clear - such as when the pipe system is being designed in compliance with ASME code (see How AFT Impulse Can Help Engineers Comply With ASME Codes). But in many cases it is up to experience and judgment whether or not to perform waterhammer analysis.

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